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Visualize and control who has access to data across all enterprise systems. Only Veza reveals granular resource permissions for all identities, human & machine, helping security teams reduce risk before and after attacks.

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The Intelligent Access Series

Veza Co-Founder and CEO Tarun Thakur teams up with the brightest minds in Identity for this series of guides to Intelligent Access and how to achieve Least Privilege in your organization.

A Practitioner’s Guide to Intelligent Access

With Phil Venables and 

“Least privilege” is what everyone wants, and very few achieve. Yet, given the onslaught of identity-based attacks, we must answer it.

Tarun and Phil Venables, cybersecurity leader and Veza board member, shed light on practical strategies that will lead your organization toward modern access governance and access control, built on the strong foundation of an enterprise-level privilege management program.

Strategies for Achieving Least Privilege in the Modern Enterprise

With Phil Venables and 

Just like a growing plant, identity modernization proceeds through three key phases: Seed, Sprout, and Bloom.

Co-authors Jason Chan (former Netflix VP) and Tarun Thakur explain how to approach these phases and build an enduring identity strategy.

Modernizing Identity with Just-in-Time Access

With Phil Venables and 

Mario Duarte, former VP of Security at Snowflake, knows a thing or two about identity access, and helping organizations secure their data, in Snowflake and other systems. 

The key to solving this challenge at the enterprise level lies in applying the principles of least privilege and just-in-time access. Available August 13.