
Case Study: How TGen secures their data with identity-first security

The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) is a pioneer in the biotechnology industry conducting groundbreaking genomic research that has been advancing standards of care and improving patient outcomes for over 20 years. The institute has built a flexible environment to support big data analytics for genomic research (every diagnosis means the computing equivalent of assembling a 3-billion-piece jigsaw puzzle). Join us for a webinar with John Forrister, Vice President Information Security at TGen, to hear his approach in balancing security vs usability to enable researchers to access data where and when they need it. In this session we discuss how TGen

  • Builds access controls that are flexible to meet the rapidly changing technology requirements of the institute
  • Maintains least privilege access control to data across their hybrid, multi-cloud environment
  • Strengthens the security posture of the institute based on the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability)