Veza for any app with Open Authorization API

Veza’s Open Authorization API (OAA) enables easy integration of custom applications, to understand who can take what action on what data from any enterprise app—even custom apps.

How it works

Translate authorization metadata from any app, even your own custom apps, into Veza’s universal schema for authorization, and import it our Access Control Platform.

From there, you can explore identity-to-data relationships through the Authorization Graph, monitor for misconfigurations and violations, and conduct comprehensive access reviews covering all your sensitive data, no matter where it is.

Get started with Open Authorization API

Integrate fast

OAA is built on a simple JSON schema and a REST API, so you can integrate on any platform you like. A Python library is available to accelerate the development of OAA integrations.

Simple thorough docs

Leverage your internal team’s expertise to integrate any application using sample code and extensive OAA documentation.

Community library

A library with common applications that can be utilized as-is, modified, or used as a reference to integrate other systems.

Ready to learn more?

Identity tools leave doors open for attackers. Veza closes the doors by managing authorization across all systems. Modernize your identity governance and privileged access with Veza.