
Next-Gen IGA

Next-Gen IGA

Event Overview

  • The limitations of traditional IGA
  • Vision for Next-Gen IGA and how it can better protect your business
  • Demo of Veza’s platform, including some of our exciting new features like access monitoring, segregation of duties violations, and lifecycle provisioning

For two decades, IGA tools have failed to deliver true identity security. With data models built for a different era, traditional IGA is not enough for today’s modern enterprise. It’s time for Next-Gen IGA.

Veza is launching Next-Gen IGA as the new standard for governance, controlling access with authorization permissions instead of users and groups. It enables organizations to visualize and right-size access permissions with automation of traditional access reviews and lifecycle provisioning. What’s the benefit? Next-Gen IGA mitigates identity risks, decreases the costs of governance, and accelerates employee access to apps and data.

Come to our virtual launch event to hear from Veza’s Co-Founder & CEO Tarun Thakur, Chief Strategist Rich Dandliker, VP of Solutions Engineering Aurangzeb Khan, and Digital River’s CISO Kumar Dasani. They’ll talk about the limitations of traditional IGA, the vision for Next-Gen IGA and how it can better protect your business. They’ll show a demo of Veza’s platform, including some of our exciting new features like access monitoring, segregation of duties violations, and lifecycle provisioning.

Watch on demand today!


Tarun Thakur

Tarun Thakur

Co-Founder & CEO

Rich Dandliker

Rich Dandliker

Chief Strategist

Aurangzeb Khan

AK Khan

Head of Sales Engineering

Kumar Dasani

Kumar Dasani

CISO, Digital River

Jason Garoutte

Jason Garoutte