
Veza @ Identiverse 2024


Event Overview

  • Visit us at booth #2206 for the latest updates, customer case studies and demos.
  • Schedule a meeting with us to discuss our Access Platform.
  • Attend our breakout session: The Trend Toward Intelligent Universal Access Policy presented by Rich Dandliker, Chief Strategy Office, Veza and David Tyburski, CISO, Wynn Resorts on Thursday, May 30th 4:35-5pm Room: Joshua

Traditional identity governance tools have struggled to meet the demands of today’s modern enterprise due to outdated data architectures. Join us at Identiverse 2024, and discover how Veza’s Access Platform goes beyond users and groups to manage entitlements for workforce and non-human identities. Veza’s modern approach to access control helps organizations stay compliant, achieve least privilege, reduce governance costs, and de-risk identity-based attack

Book a Meeting

Schedule a meeting with the Veza executive team to discuss our Access Control Platform, by selecting your preferred date and time. Please note that meeting slots are subject to availability, and we will do our best to accommodate your preferences. If you have any specific topics or questions, please include them in the additional details section.

Book here

Speaker Session: The Trend Toward Intelligent Universal Access Policy

Today, access policy- defining the “ideal state” of who should have access to what- is disjointed, limited, or sometimes nonexistent. Decisions about access are often “punted” to the manager, either via access reviews or request approvals- whether or not they have the information they need to make the right call. Different slices of access policy can exist in provisioning systems, requests approval workflow engines, the minds of Security Engineering teams, or paper policies that are challenging to translate to technical controls. Role-based access control (RBAC) is common, but it doesn’t work well for guest accounts, service accounts, machine identities, and local users. As a result, the business processes that grant and revoke access operate in silos and rarely solve the problem of over-privileged access. Hear how Wynn Resorts is pushing the frontiers today with their proprietary eCARF system, an innovative approach to make access policy “intelligent and universal”. Learn how Wynn is preparing for emerging needs like JIT access, automated removal of unused permissions, and complying with a nonstop parade of regulations around data access.

Learn more



David Tyburski

Global CISO, Wynn Resorts

Rich Dandliker

Rich Dandliker

Chief Strategist, Veza